Thursday, March 26, 2009

Progress With the Pets

When we first got home, Maddie was scared of Red. That is obviously no longer the case. She now likes red, but the cat is still her favorite. Red is very protective of Maddie and sleeps on the rug in front of her crib every night. If I'm in the living room and she's in her crib, he has to be halfway between both of us so he can keep an eye on both. He is still, however, jealous of all the attention Maddie gets from other people and is quite a pest whenever people stop by or when we stop to chat with people when we're out walking. He has never been one to jump up on people or lick people, but he has this way of making his presence known and of head-butting people's hands until they pet him.

Maddie gets all excited when Squirt enters the room. She LOVES that furrball! Squirt seldom acknowledges that Maddie exists. However, when Maddie was playing with her tonight, Squirt put up with it a lot longer than she ever has from anyone else. Squirt was also way more gentle than usual while Maddie was playing with her. With Doug and me, she usually playfully nips at us when our hands are within range. With Maddie, she lunged but never nipped at her.

We have another new accomplishment. Maddie now sits on her own for several minutes at a time. She usually ends up toppling over after several minutes and then rolls around. I'm not sure if the toppling is intentional, or if she is just making the best of the situation.

Life with Maddie just keeps getting more and more fun. She has the sweetest disposition. In the past few days, she is responding consistently to her name (Maddie). Aunt Iva, you will be so proud - when she is trying to look serious or funny, she arches just one eyebrow! It's hilarious.

She is no longer as inviting or open with strangers, which we consider a good thing. In the beginning, she flashed that toothy grin at everyone. Now, when a stranger approaches her, she looks at my face for queues or assurances, and it usually takes a little time for her to warm up to new people. This is a really good sign that attachment is on track.

WARNING: This paragraph may fall under the TMI category for some of you so stop now if you don't want to know. OK, you've been warned! One more new accomplishment... Maddie peed in the potty today!!! She was grunting and straining, trying to poop, so I decided to follow the lead of one of the other adoptive moms in our group and sat her on the toilet. She continued to grunt but only peed. Hey, it's a start!! By the way, I have never heard a child grunt as loudly as this one does!!! She grunts like a little man. LOL

Laundry is calling my name so that's it for now.

Much love from Goshen,

Beth & Maddie

P.S. Can't wait to see you tomorrow, Doug/Daddy!


C's Mom said...

Claire loved the cats from minute one. The cats were not nearly as impressed. Now that she 'drops' food (yeah, right) the cats love her too.

Glad to see all are coming along well in your household.

Lisa said...

I feel for Daddy Doug. I would hate to be missing out on all that fun. Maddie is so expressive!