Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Day In The Snow Household

Who would have thought I'd be so content wiping a never-ending stream of snot or celebrating poopy diapers? My life feels more complete than ever before. I live for the next giggle and toothy grin, and just to feel Maddie's cheek next to mine or her arms wrapped around my neck. I consider the smudges on my tops a badge of honor. I will probably never go to work wearing an unmarked blouse again!

Commercial break: Boogie Wipes - they're the best! They are saline wipes and do not irritate Maddie's nose. I have wiped it at least 785 times in the last week and her nose isn't even red. She does not pull away from them as they are so gentle and they get the job done. I found them with the kids medicines at Wal-Mart.

We have had some pretty major milestones in the past few days. Maddie now enjoys her bath! Today she actually splashed with her little duck - a first for her!

Maddie has finally figured out how to pick up a snack with her fingers and gets the idea that it should go into her mouth. She's still working on figuring out how to transfer the snack from her hand to her mouth.

Tonight Maddie had carrots and prunes for dinner. She obviously enjoyed them a lot!

We miss you, Daddy!


Lisa said...

I love the videos, Beth. Maddie is so adorable and ACTIVE Hop on over to our blog and you can see how quiet Lucy is in comparison. I think you've got a very bright, vivacious girl there on your hands. What a cutie!

C's Mom said...

There you are! So glad to see that you and Maddie are doing well.

I second the kudos for Boogie Wipes. There's been no shortage of snot here either :0)

Thinking of ya.