Friday, February 27, 2009


This is Kris's blog from yesterday:

Today we went to the forbidden city. One thing i've learned is that the chinese don't do anything small. The forbidden city has got to be a mile long from front to back. It's got 9,999 rooms. If you don't know, this is where the emperor lived, when he ruled. We learned all sorts of facts about it from our guide, Catherine, half of which I don't remember. Later that day we went to a acrobat show, which was totally awesome!!! The pictures don't do it justice, but I posted some. Today we go to the great wall. I'm excited about that. We leave at 8:30, and don't get back until 6:00 tonight, so it will be a long day. Oh, I forgot to tell you, we feel like rock stars here. We had many chinese people that wanted their picture taken with us, ecspecially Kaycee. It's like they never saw Amerians before. Well, we better get going, more later.

This little baby loved Kaycee. She kept trying to grab her hair.

This picture on the right is in the emperor's garden. It would have been prettier had it been summer.

These girls were amazing. The little one on the top couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 years old.

1 comment:

dimplesanddumplings said...

Great pictures! We were told by our guide that most of the Chinese people at the tourist sites are from rural towns, making a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Beijing. Many of them had never see Westerners before. They stared constantly. On the other hand, it seemed like we attracted attention just about everywhere. :) ~ Gayle (mom to a Yiyang sweetheart, adopted in 2003)