Friday, July 31, 2009

Perpetual Motion Machine

The kid has started walking and she is in constant motion. We are being revisited by some sleep disruptions and have had some very exhausting nights in the past two weeks. However, Maddie is still the best thing that has ever happened to us. Her daddy and I learn new lessons in selflessness every day and they are the greatest lessons we have ever learned. In spite of daily struggles with Doug's health issues, our home is filled with an infinite amount of joy and happiness - unlike anything either of us has ever experienced before. Maddie is sheer bliss. Every day is an adventure in learning new things, in seeing old things through her young eyes - in a whole different light. At times I'm still afraid someone is going to pinch me to awaken me from this cozy, love-drenched cocoon.

Last weekend we took a road trip to Terre Haute so Maddie could meet her Grandpa Snow and her cousins on that side of the family. Two hours into the trip, with both Maddie and me covered in baby puke, I was ready to turn back toward home. However, Doug wanted to press on so, thankfully, we did. It turned out to be a wonderful weekend (once the carseat was disassembled, laundry done, Maddie and mommy bathed, and carseat reassembled).

Oh, and let's not forget the trauma of Tim & Karen's beast of a weather radio. Even though they were gone for the weekend, Grandma and Grandpa Patrick (Tim & Karen) were kind enough to let us stay a her house. After all the chaos of puke, tummy ache, bathing, etc., everyone settled down for a good sleep. We were all drifting off into the first stages of REM sleep when the whole house exploded with shrill, piercing sirens. At first we could not figure out where it was coming from. After finally finding the culprit to be the weather radio, Doug pushed a few buttons and silence settled upon us once again. We finally fell asleep again - FOR FIVE MINUTES - and the damn thing started screamig again! Turns out, there were thunderstorms and tornado watches all around us. That darn radio went off at last 5 times before I figured out now to turn it off for good. The next morning, Maddie reprogrammed it and I'll be surprised if it ever screams again!!

Maddie loves anything with little buttons - remote controls, cell phones, weather radios, etc. Last week one evening she was playing with my phone. I said, "It's OK, just let her play with it. As long as she doesn't figure out how to push the power button on the side, she can't hurt anything." Five seconds later, she had located the teeny tiny power button that turned on the phone! I swear she understands absolutely EVERYTHING we say! She's even repeating some stuff. Funny thing was, the next morning at 7:30 AM I was putting on my shoes to go to work. My phone rings and it was my VERY GROGGY sister Cris. "Why do you keep calling me this early in the morning?!" Maddie had been playing with my phone while I was putting on my shoes and gathering up stuff to head out the door and had turned on my phone and called her 4 TIMES!!! I'm so glad Aunt Cris was the recipient of those calls. Couldn't have happened to a better victim!

This is Maddie's "cheese" pose with her Grandpa Snow.

Maddie and her Snow cousins - Justin and Emily. She had such a wonderful time with them and it is very apparent that she and Emily just adore each other! She took quite a liking to Justin too!

Maddie and Emily

Two Snow men and one very beloved little girl!

As evidenced by this video, Maddie has become quite the little cheeser for the camera!

Maddie loves to dance in time to music. It has taken some time and a little effort on her part but she has become quite good at fitting balls, blocks, etc. into appropriate slots. At times she still gets frustrated when things don't fit exactly as she thinks they should, or when the ring won't go on the post when she wants it to, and she starts to throw a small hissy fit! We are working with her, teaching her to not give up, and to keep trying until she accomplishes what she sets out to do. She's getting pretty good at following through and accomplishing what she sets out to do.

This week she started saying "A B C". That's about as far as she gets with the alphabet for now. She has a very inquisitive little mind and she spends lots of time studying her toys and trying to figure out how they work.

Please keep sending prayers and good thoughts our way. We need them right now. Doug has several doctor appointments coming up over the next few weeks so we hope to get a handle soon on his health situation.

Much love,

Beth, Doug, and Maddie

1 comment:

SARA said...

I crack up every time I read one of your posts. I think Maddie and Mia have the same toys and both make an equally sized mess in the living room! Mia has that little green walker/ride-on thing too. She loves it! She has taken about 7 steps at most right now. It's so fun to watch them learn to walk!