Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July

We had a wonderful week and weekend with friends and family. Aunt Iva (my sister) and her four beautiful girls were here from Colorado. There is definitely a mutual love between Maddie, Allie, Lauren, Katie, and Melanie. They had such a wonderful time playing and Maddie was tuckered out every night.
This being the weekend of the 4th of July was definitely different from our first five Independence Days in this house. Since there was no Freedom Fest at the Goshen Airport this year, we didn't have a party this year. While it didn't seem quite right, it ended up being a good thing as it would have been just too much with all the other activities this weekend. Hopefully by next year Freedom Fest will be back and we will once again have our annual party.
Being around the four older kids so much this weekend has resulted in Maddie starting to imitate EVERYTHING! She started repeating what we say this weekend. Time has run out.... gotta clean up the language NOW! Katie taught her to wave her finger and say, "No, no, no!"
Maddie is so close to walking. She now stands next to furniture and "forgets" to hold on. She no longer falls when that happens. We have been working on colors. This week she started saying "purple" and picks purple letters out of a stack of different colors. I'm not 100% convinced that picking the purple letter was for real... coulda been a fluke because it doesn't happen consistently. However, she does manage to grab a purple letter more than 50% of the time when we ask her to find purple. She also says "orange" and "blue" quite clearly. She also learned how to flip a light switch this week. She loves to turn lights on and off.

Maddie helped me do laundry today. She LOVES to help with whatever she can get her hands on. It's amazing to watch her transition into this stage... less baby, more little girl. I just cannot say enough about how much fun she is right now. Every day is an adventure in learning new things. When she looks at me with those big black eyes and giggles, my heart melts into a puddle. I thought I knew love before Maddie but never dreamed of a love this intense.

We are in the process of transitioning her off formula and onto cow's milk. She has had some digestive issues return so we are feeding her lots of apple juice, prunes, and other fruits. On Friday we went to the Zoo. On the way home, Maddie exploded in her car seat. Aunt Iva was wonderful... she disassembled the carseat and we washed everything. There was even poop on her carseat toys so it all went into the washer. It even oozed through the cracks in the carseat and onto the back seat of our car. Anyone need a ride anywhere?! Needless to say, we made good use of soap, water, rags, and Fabreeze. Everything is once again fresh as a daisy.

Lauren would like to get on a plane every morning and come to Indiana to babysit for Maddie. She was a wonderful helper while they were here!

Melanie and Maddie had a great time playing in her car.

Katie and Lauren got to babysit for Maddie on Thursday while I was at work. They must have worn her out because Maddie slept like a log that night!

The Graber kids (and one Snow kid) at the Zoo.

Maddie has quickly become very fond of her Uncle Dave. To see more photos from Iva's visit, visit our Picasa web album at Thanks for checking in. Much love to all of you...
Beth, Doug, and Maddie


Lisa said...

What a cutie. Maddie is looking so much more like a toddler. Sounds like she will be toddling soon!

SARA said...

Mia just learned how to do the light switches too. We can't walk past one now without her reaching for it!