Thursday, April 9, 2009

Catch Up Time!

It has been a busy two weeks! Last Monday, I returned to work and life is very crazy right now. Dropping Maddie off at daycare that first day was excruciating. I thought I would be just fine - that I was prepared for it - but I was wrong. About a mile down the road, I became one blubbering mama. Had I not been driving, I would have been in a fetal position, sucking my thumb while I cried my eyes out. I survived. But, this morning, Maddie cried for the first time when I dropped her off. So, I did too (after I left the daycare, of course).

Tears seem to have become a very common part of our lives in the Snow household. However, most of the time they're tears of joy. It's just ridiculous how often either Doug or I well up just watching our daughter. She is full of such innocence and glee, sheer bliss. We have become complete saps!!

Here are a few of the events of the past two weeks:
  • Aunt Cris (my sister) spent a week with us. She lives in FL and came up here to meet Maddie and to help Mom and Shari (my sis-in-law) throw a baby shower.
  • Maddie is completely in LOVE with Cassidy and her Aunt Cris!
  • We have had some problems adjusting to the formula since we've been home. I won't go into detail. Let's just say that I have never talked about constipation so much in my life!!
  • Speaking of... Maddie has pooped several times in the toilet! So, we got her a potty. We've got one case of diapers left in the closet - the pressure is on to get this girl potty-trained!! OK, I may be rushing it a bit, but if she is more comfortable going on the potty, then we'll roll with it.
  • After a few days in daycare, Maddie regressed a little with regard to some of her attachment issues. She cries out in her sleep - not even fully waking up most of the time. Usually, just stroking her back and speaking softly to her will calm her down.
  • She was getting up several times a night also. She now sleeps in the smaller crib in our bedroom right next to our bed. As long as she can see us when she wakes up, she is fine and goes right back to sleep. So, we will indulge her by allowing her to sleep in our room as long as it takes for her to feel secure.
The Troyer family baby shower was lots of fun. In this photo: Shari, Abby, Tina, Melody, Aunt Ann, Claire, and Libby. For more photos, go to

Cassidy and Daniel helping themselves to some food at the shower. The beautiful quilt on the wall was made by Terri Sizemore, a friend and former co-worker.

Daryl & Gloria gave Maddie this stroller. She loves to walk along behind it. She still requires lots of support and we are teaching her how to move her legs to go forward.

Mel, Jen, and Colleen gave us this Boppy pillow. It is simply wonderful to use during bottle time or when reading stories. Maddie obviously enjoys it!

Maddie has finally warmed up to Grandpa! I think the feeling is mutual.

In true Aunt Cris fashion, she tried like crazy to teach Maddie to say "Cris" while she was here!

My sweet girls... these two adore each other, and I adore both of them!

Rocking her and holding her as she sleeps... life just does not get any better than that!!

Maddie is Daddy's girl! Cris commented how Doug just cannot stop smiling. It's true - he has a grin on his face all the time. He says he never knew you could love someone this much! (Darn it, there I go... getting all sappy again!)

I never knew either, and the love just keeps growing every day!

Aunt Cris babysat yesterday. She and Grandma Jo took the girls to the Davis Mercantile in Shipshewana. Maddie had her first carousel ride.

When we pick up Doug at the airport, Maddie gets super animated. Her little arms and legs flail all over the place. Last weekend, she and her Daddy fell asleep on the way home. She held his finger the whole way home while they slept.

Maddie loves to go shopping.

Bath time is still a favorite for her as well...

But her all-time favorite thing is sharing a bowl of Edy's Cookies & Cream Ice Cream with her Daddy. He can't shovel it in fast enough!
Thanks for stopping by to see what's going on in our little corner of the world.
Much love,
Beth, Doug, and Maddie

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Great to hear how you all are doing. Maddie always looks so bright eyed and animated. Happy Easter!!