Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Red Couch Photos

Tomorrow is the day... the day we come home. YIPPEEE!!! While China has been wonderful, we are so ready to be done with living out of a suitcase and for our lives to resume some semblance of normalcy - a new normal, that is!

We will land at the South Bend Airport at 11 PM on Wednesday and cannot wait to see some familiar faces to greet us. We are looking forward to having each of your family and friends meet our new daughter. To us, she is just sheer bliss (most of the time).

It is customary for travel groups to take photos on the red couch at the White Swan Hotel here on Shamian Island, Guangzhou. Here are some photos from that event today...

Thank you all for following our precious journey. It has only just begun. See you at home soon!
Much love,
Beth, Doug, Maddie, and Grandma Jo

1 comment:

Dawn said...

WOW ~ That is a HUGE travel group!!