Monday, February 23, 2009


I was hoping to sleep in this morning but no such luck. I woke up with all kinds of packing scenarios whirling around in my brain.

As we have been buying stuff for the trip, we have been throwing it in my roll-aboard suitcase. That is, anyway, until the suitcase was overflowing. Then we filled up Maddie's little crib in our bedroom. I just can't believe how much stuff we have to take for a kid - bottles, bibs, diapers, wipes, the little sucky thingy for her nose, and the small pharmacy for all of the "just in case" scenarios. To keep the volume and weight down, we split the list with Kris & Shawn but it's still a LOT of stuff!

We have been told that we can buy diapers and clothes in China - especially since we don't know for sure what size she's in now (it's hard to tell under those layers and layers of clothes in her pictures). However, we do need a few outfits and sleepers to get by until we get to the store after we receive her. And, we have so many cute little outfits, it's difficult to resist the urge to take them with us! As for diapers, we can buy those in China as well but the quality is not the same as what we have in the US. So, we have to take some of our diapers to use during travel to avoid messy accidents.

Holy cow - Doug just discovered that seats on our flights out of South Bend tomorrow morning are dwindling so we may have to fly to Atlanta tonight! Since we are flying on his Delta employee benefits, we fly standby if there is room on flights. Our flight from Atlanta to Shanghai is wide open, but getting from South Bend to Atlanta may be tricky in the morning.

Good grief - what am I still doing blogging??? I MUST get busy!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Have a wonderful trip. See you in China in a couple of days!